Exams Are Over
In addition to exams being over, 1/8 of my MBA education is done, as well. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It seems like just yesterday we moved to New Haven, but that was 4 months ago!
Anyway, about exams. All I can say is that it was a humbling experience. The exams were extremely challenging and so was taking three three-hour exams on three consecutive days. I am confident that I did fine on all of them, but there were a lot of challenging questions that pushed the limits of what I had studied. Econ was the hardest, I felt best about Accounting, and Data & Decision Analysis I think I did pretty well. Overall, it was a good experience and I learned a lot about the subject matter and myself.
After our last exam the school treated us to pizza and microbrews at Bar: The Bru Room, a hip New Haven pizzeria. It was nice to talk to my classmates about the first six weeks and what their hopes are going into the next set of classes. Speaking of the next set of classes - there is no rest for the weary... During exam week we received some emails from the professors who will be teaching the next set of classes about upcoming assignments. I just got done printing off the syllabus for each class to find that we have assignments due on Monday.
Back to work!