Tuesday, May 01, 2007

So, I'm not very good at this...

Not that my readership level was very high to begin with, but I am sure that my 3 month absence did not help maintain what I did have. For those of you who, for some reason, ended up back at my blog, thanks!

There are four main things that have happened this second semester of school. My daughter has been developing at an extremely fast pace, my family and I went to Michigan for a whirlwind tour, I secured an internship, and my car was stolen.

My daughter was 20 weeks old yesterday. She rolls over, laughs & smiles, and is on the verge of sitting-up on her own. I am extremely bias, but I think she is the most beautiful baby ever. My wife is absolutely wonderful with her and it is amazing to watch the two of them interact. I am so proud of both of them.

During my spring break we went to Michigan. It was the first time my daughter flew in an airplane (14 weeks) and met a lot of her family and friends. We had a great time visiting everyone. After flying into Detroit we drove over 1000 miles. We made stops in the southeast, southcentral, southwest, central, and northwest parts of the state. Here is a picture of the lighthouse at Ludington Beach.

This summer we are looking forward to another adventure. I have an internship with World Vision in Seattle, Washington. I targeted World Vision as the organization I wanted to work for from the very beginning and they offered me an excellent opportunity in their donor engagement and strategic planning divisions. You can check them out by following the link along the right-hand side of this page. We are hoping to get to know the area well and hopefully get to see Seattle in person like it is depicted in this photo.

As for my car, it was a sad farewell to the highest quality vehicle I have owned (which is a good sized dataset considering I have owned nine vehicles). We purchased the Civic with 60.000 miles and said good-bye to the car with 174,000.

I will try to do better with updating this blog. Maybe with some consistent posting I can rebuild the readership...


Blogger Wendy said...

I can't believe Anna is rolling over and can almost sit up by herself! How amazing!

I'm really sorry about your car. I know that you and Deb really loved that car. Hopefully your next one will be even better!

7:39 PM  

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