Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Last Three Weeks

As you can tell from the amount of time between this and my previous post, the last three weeks have been very busy. The first official day of class was the Tuesday after Labor Day. Unlike most first days of class, we had assignments due before every class started. We spent about ten minutes on each of the syllabi and got right into the lessons. Since that day it hasn't stopped. I have been thrown to the wolves in accounting, economics, decision analysis, problem framing, and communication. Our final exams for these classes are in three weeks! Then we start another set of classes...I wouldn't have it any other way.

A lot has happened in addition to classes. I have heard from a lot of successful SOM alumni about different career paths, which has confirmed my desire to pursue a career in relief and development. Also, I just found out that I will be spending two weeks in China during second semester! We will be visiting businesses, government officials, and sites in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing.

On another note, I have finally included a picture of me at the New York Stock Exchange Trading Floor. I have always wanted to know what happens there and I was fortunate to have one of my classmates (a former trader) tell me all about it.

We have also had more visitors. Over Labor Day weekend we had a great time showing friends the sites in NYC. We even went to the Today Show and a Mets game. We were sad to see our last scheduled visitors (before the baby comes, of course) leave just about an hour ago. With all of the visitors we have had, our apartment certainly feels like home now. Our new friends, church, and semblance of a routine have also helped us get comfortable in New Haven.


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